Investment of $757 Million to Create Affordable Housing and Clean Transportation in California

"As we consider the billions in federal funding on the table, today’s investment not only provides safe and affordable housing and transportation options but also attracts additional dollars that stimulate local economies and create jobs." - Lynn von Koch-Liebert, Executive Director of the California Strategic Growth Council

In a monumental move towards a more sustainable future, Governor Newsom, along with the California Strategic Growth Council, has announced an investment of $757 million to advance the construction of affordable housing in jobs-rich, walkable neighborhoods across California. This substantial investment aims to create over 2,500 affordable homes, introduce 150 new zero-emissions buses, establish over 50 miles of new bikeways, and enhance miles of sidewalks in communities statewide. Beyond the immediate benefits of affordable housing and improved infrastructure, these projects are set to reduce a staggering 800,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. To put this in perspective, it's equivalent to removing 178,000 gas-powered cars from California's roads for an entire year.

Why It Matters

As cities across the nation grapple with the challenge of rebuilding communities, California is taking a proactive stance by investing over $750 million in projects that will not only create more affordable housing but also promote clean transportation. This initiative aligns with Governor Newsom's vision of making coordinated investments that advance the state's housing and climate goals while also attracting additional federal and private funds into communities.

A Vision for a Sustainable California

Governor Newsom expressed his enthusiasm for these initiatives, stating, "California is reimagining communities around the state to address the ways our cities are changing – adapting to climate change and confronting housing scarcity. These investments will help cut carbon pollution and build more affordable housing as we look forward to a clean energy future."

Lynn von Koch-Liebert, Executive Director of the California Strategic Growth Council, emphasized the economic impact of these investments, stating, "As we consider the billions in federal funding on the table, today’s investment not only provides safe and affordable housing and transportation options but also attracts additional dollars that stimulate local economies and create jobs."

A Collaborative Effort

The success of this initiative is the result of cross-departmental collaboration within the state government. Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency Secretary Lourdes Castro Ramírez highlighted the comprehensive approach, stating, "We are working across state government to make life-long investments in people and places, and this latest round of awards does just that. With over $757 million in funding to over 16 communities, we are building stable and affordable places to live with access to jobs, transit, parks, and places where veterans, older Californians, and families with children can prosper."

Gustavo Velasquez, Director of the California Department of Housing & Community Development, emphasized the long-term impact of these new homes, stating, "These new homes will serve as a foundation of opportunity for the individuals and families living in them and will add more walking, biking, and transit infrastructure that will benefit the entire community."

Towards a Cleaner Transportation Future

California's dedication to pioneering cleaner transportation options has been a defining characteristic of the state's forward-thinking approach to sustainability. This latest substantial investment further solidifies California's status as a trailblazer in this arena. Chair Liane Randolph of the California Air Resources Board eloquently underscored this point, stating, "California has been at the forefront of the clean transportation revolution, consistently leading the way in developing innovative solutions that not only reduce carbon emissions but also provide viable alternatives to traditional car travel."

Indeed, California's commitment extends beyond merely reducing emissions. The state's multifaceted approach encompasses a comprehensive strategy to reimagine the way people move. Chair Randolph emphasized, "The state’s investments go beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions; they aim to transform the very fabric of transportation. California recognizes that true progress comes not just from cleaner vehicles but also from reimagining how people access goods and services, how they commute to work, and how they navigate their daily lives.

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program

Today's announcement is funded through the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program, which is a vital component of California Climate Investments. This statewide initiative utilizes cap-and-trade dollars to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, bolster the economy, and improve public health and the environment, especially in disadvantaged communities. The AHSC Program is a collaborative effort involving the California Strategic Growth Council, California Department of Housing and Community Development, and California Air Resources Board.

In the previous round alone, AHSC-funded developments leveraged an impressive $2.4 billion in additional local, state, federal, and private investments, catalyzing investment into climate-friendly communities.

This announcement marks a significant milestone, bringing the total funding through AHSC to over $3 billion, making it the state's largest funding source for affordable housing in California. Since its inception, the program has played a crucial role in the development of 17,000 affordable homes and thousands of transportation improvement projects. Collectively, these projects have reduced a staggering 5 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to taking 11 million gas-powered cars off California's roads for a year.

A Vision for California's Sustainable Future

California has set a precedent by enacting some of the nation's most aggressive climate measures in history. The state is now advancing a $52 billion multi-year commitment to implementing a world-leading agenda that aims to achieve carbon neutrality, protect communities from harmful oil drilling, and deliver 90% clean energy by 2035. With this latest investment, California is taking a significant step towards realizing its vision of a sustainable, environmentally friendly, and economically thriving future.

California's investment of $757 million in affordable housing and clean transportation projects represents a groundbreaking initiative that not only addresses the urgent need for affordable housing but also aligns with the state's commitment to combat climate change. These projects serve as a beacon of hope, illustrating the potential for coordinated efforts to create lasting positive change in communities across California. It's a testament to California's dedication to a brighter, more sustainable future for all its residents. As we witness this momentous investment, we are reminded that bold steps can lead to transformational outcomes, and California is taking a giant stride towards a greener and more equitable tomorrow.
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