Sri Lankan Entrepreneurs Unveil Climate-Smart Innovations in USAID & GLX Demo Day

In a groundbreaking initiative to combat climate change, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Good Life X (GLX) business accelerator joined forces to support ten promising entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka. The collaboration aimed to develop climate adaptation ideas that can bolster the resilience of agriculture, fisheries, and tourism livelihoods in the region. After eight months of intensive mentoring and coaching, these entrepreneurs unveiled their innovative solutions during a highly anticipated Demo Day event.

The virtual Demo Day gathered more than 80 investors, partners, and collaborators to witness the culmination of the Climate Change Accelerator activity. Through this program, the budding businesses received expert guidance in innovation, business development, climate change adaptation, agriculture, and tourism.

Addressing Climate Change Challenges with Innovative Solutions

Climate-smart innovations presented at the event spanned a wide range of industries and showcased the potential for businesses to tackle climate change effectively. Among the showcased innovations were cutting-edge products and models:

  • Food Things: This enterprise introduced a vacuum sealer machine to prolong the shelf life of food products and revealed plans to implement a solar-powered food dryer, reducing food waste.
  • Kulumoto: An eco-transport enterprise, Kulumoto, unveiled a prototype solar charging kit with a zero-carbon footprint, providing an eco-friendly alternative to conventional power grid reliance.
  • Saruketha Organics: A producer of homemade organic forest tea, Saruketha Organics, showcased their energy-efficient tea drying machine, optimizing tea production processes sustainably.
  • Ceylon Green and Aqua: This innovative urban farming model combined aquaponics and integrated outdoor farming, paving the way for resilient urban agriculture.
  • Carbon Blueprint: Carbon Blueprint presented a seaweed cultivation plan with expanded value addition processes, producing liquid organic fertilizers to enhance agricultural sustainability.
  • (Eco Escape- Galle): The eco-tourism venture demonstrated its electric motor-powered boat, designed for eco-friendly tours with minimal environmental impact, conserving natural habitats.
  • Inova: Inova showcased its bio-char production business as a waste reduction process and soil conditioner, promoting sustainable agriculture.
  • Therapy Ceylon: Therapy Ceylon's native herb, spice, and flower-infused tea business highlighted the use of local resources for climate-smart beverages.
  • Iluktenne Plant Nursery: Focusing on plant and seed production, Iluktenne Plant Nursery expanded to introduce forest plant seedlings, safeguarding endangered forest plants from climate change and deforestation.
  • The Raawana Agro Limited: Educating rural farmers on polytunnel greenhouses and climate-smart technologies, The Raawana Agro Limited empowers farmers to adapt to climate change impacts effectively.

Empowering Entrepreneurs for Resilience and Thriving Communities

Deputy Chief of Mission Douglas Sonnek from the United States Embassy expressed his admiration for the leadership shown by these enterprises in tackling climate change challenges. He emphasized that climate change presented not only great challenges but also unparalleled business opportunities.

GLX Founder and CEO Randhula de Silva stressed the urgency of climate adaptation, highlighting its impact on food security, biodiversity, and livelihoods. The Climate Change Accelerator aimed to equip entrepreneurs to take on this challenge effectively, fostering resilient communities and thriving ecosystems.

Towards a Climate-Resilient Future

The Demo Day marked a significant milestone in Sri Lanka's journey towards climate resilience. The showcased innovations hold the promise of addressing climate change head-on while boosting economic growth and social well-being. By combining business acumen with environmental responsibility, these entrepreneurs have set a shining example for others to follow.

As the nation embraces sustainable practices and eco-friendly technologies, the partnership between USAID and GLX offers a model for nurturing entrepreneurship and building a climate-resilient future. The transformative potential of these innovative solutions resonates far beyond Sri Lanka's borders, inspiring global efforts to combat climate change effectively.

For more information on the Demo Day and the entrepreneurs' innovative solutions, visit the official USAID and GLX websites. Together, let's strive towards a sustainable and climate-resilient world.

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