Consumer Perspectives on Sustainability Revealed in Alibaba's ESG Study

In a recent Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report released by Alibaba Group, insights into consumer attitudes towards sustainability and the role of businesses in promoting more conscious choices have been unveiled. The study conducted independent research across 14 markets in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, surveying over 14,000 consumers to gauge their perspectives on sustainable lifestyles.

The key findings of the research, titled "The Sustainability Trends Report 2023," revealed that an overwhelming majority of consumers (73%) are eager to adopt more sustainable practices in their lives. Notably, emerging Asian markets showed an even higher enthusiasm for sustainability, with 87% of consumers expressing interest in embracing sustainable lifestyles.

However, despite the growing interest in sustainability, the research identified two primary barriers hindering the widespread adoption of sustainable practices. Convenience and affordability emerged as key drivers that can encourage behavioral changes towards sustainability. Among respondents, 53% cited convenience as a crucial factor, while 33% highlighted affordability as a major consideration when making sustainable choices.

The research also delved into the trust factor when it comes to businesses' claims about "sustainable" products. Only 15% of the respondents expressed complete trust in the sustainability claims of products, indicating a considerable skepticism (38%) among consumers regarding the genuineness of such claims. This lack of trust particularly concerns European consumers, prompting businesses to focus on building credibility in their sustainability initiatives.

In response to these insights, Alibaba Group is taking proactive measures to address the "say-do" gap challenge and promote sustainable practices among consumers. Liu Wei, Alibaba Group ESG Strategy Lead, emphasized the significance of sustainable consumption for both the environment and businesses. The company aims to reduce inconvenience, increase sustainable choices, and optimize supply chains to maintain reasonable costs for consumers.

As part of its commitment to sustainability, Alibaba has published its latest ESG Report, which includes details on its Scope 3+ decarbonization progress. The report revealed that over 180 million consumers actively participated in carbon emission reduction through Alibaba's carbon ledger platform. Additionally, the company has made 1.91 million low-carbon friendly products from 409 brands available on its platforms Tmall and Taobao, thus promoting sustainable practices to a broader consumer base.

The research also highlights regional variations in consumers' willingness to engage in sustainable practices. Consumers from emerging Asian markets displayed a strong inclination (88%) to learn about sustainable online shopping compared to those in developed Asian markets (66%) and Europe (66%). Preferences for sustainable practices, such as choosing sustainable packaging or recycling, also vary across regions.

The report concludes with recommendations for businesses to facilitate sustainable choices and build trust among consumers. Convenience and affordability remain essential factors driving consumer choices. To encourage sustainable behavior, businesses can focus on making sustainable products more affordable (61%) and reducing single-use plastics and packaging (55%). Additionally, offering a broader selection of sustainable products and services (47%) can have a positive impact.

Despite the challenges, Alibaba Group's commitment to sustainability and its efforts to foster consumer awareness and participation in sustainable practices showcase the potential for businesses to be drivers of positive change. By implementing these recommendations and addressing consumer concerns, businesses can play a significant role in promoting a more sustainable future.
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